Unless you're an expert crafter with an Etsy store than generates actual revenue, navigate the homemade gift front with caution. But with every expanding Christmas gift lists, sometimes homemade routes are a great option to make sure you can afford to check everyone off your list. I'm going to guide you around when to go homemade, and what gifts are actually worth receiving, and other ways to manage your gift list. You're a broke college student, not Kris Kringle, for Pete's sake!

Who wants your homemade gifts anyways?
1. Mom. So you're in college now and maybe you can't get away with that paper mache snowflake you made back in elementary school art class but you can still get away with making your main woman a homemade present. In fact, nothing warms a momma's heart quite like something homemade and from the heart. Consider making her a photo album, framed pictures, coupon books (include ones to help around the house, make her lunch, etc.). Nobody is more sentimental than your mother and chances are she'll cherish anything that comes from the heart.

2. Boyfriend. As a general rule, set budgets for holidays so that nobody feels uncomfortable that they spent too much or too little. It always makes for an awkward situation when exchanging gifts if somebody bought you a diamond necklace and you made them a scrapbook. Despite their hard outer shells, guys appreciate it when you make them a gift. Guys eat food. It's a fact of life. Making his favorite treat shows you pay attention to him and satisfies his sweet tooth. Again, photo albums/frames are a great go-to for the man in your life to show that you want him to display your relationship in a subtle way. Coupon books, food, photos, are great...but remember that guys can be sentimental, too. They love when a girl remembers little details about them, the relationship, whatever. Do you guys have an inside joke? Something significant about the first time you met or the first date? Try to incorporate that into the gift and he'll be sure to remember. Be sure to include a heartfelt letter. I asked some guy friends the best heartfelt gifts they have received from girls and here are the results:
-Framed photo of them
-Movie poster of the movie they saw on the first date
-Coupon book of massages, date nights, homemade meals, and more..erm..adventurous endeavors. 

3. Baked Goods for the Randos. So they're on your holiday list but you're not quite sure why but you know you have to get them something. You don't know them well enough to shop for them per say, but you still need to include them in your holiday gift giving. Making holiday treats is a great remedy to this solution, they can be made in bulk to accommodate more than one gift. I personally like to package treats in containers that are both cute and reusable, such as mason jars, coffee mugs, etc. Get creative. People will remember the thoughtfulness in the holiday season. 

4. Set Up a Gift Exchange. Sometimes there is just too much damn time, effort, and money to put into shopping. In such cases, set up a gift exchange in your circle of friends, that way you only have to shop for one person rather than 15. Set a budget and stick to it, you can also use the exchange as an excuse to host a holiday party. Cue the "Deck the Halls", fruitcake, and ugly Christmas sweaters. 

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