The biggest place that students lose money is spending on unnecessary expenses that are offered free by the school. Here's some of the services and products you may be skimming over.

1. The Gym. Gym memberships and fees can rack up major bills over the course of a year. Most schools have a rec center and I highly recommend you explore your own, even if you are not a gym rat, you might be surprised to know some of the free events/activities your school's gym has to offer. It varies from school to school, but I know for a fact my campus has free exercise classes that range from yoga to kickboxing, boot camps, personal trainers, intramural sports, and various events at free or discounted prices.

2. Campus Convenience Stores. Most campuses have built-in grocery/convenience stores that are incorporated into your meal plan. Many students don't even know these exist and they sell products like soap, toothbrushes, tampons, microwavable food - mostly everything you grocery shop for anyway. You're already paying for the meal plan, stretch it the extra mile by putting it toward products you would otherwise have to pay additional cash for at a grocery store. It can also help you curb your diet of greasy cafeteria food. 

3. Health Center. Feeling stressed? Sick? Prescription? Depending on your insurance plan the student services heath center can be a cheaper alternative to finding a doc. In addition to the obvious doctor's appointments, they also usually have a mental health department, with the therapy, both group and individual. College is a great time, but it doesn't come without it's bumps in the road, so it is wise to take advantage of these services and seek help when needed. Your happiness does not have a price! Another bonus I know my health center and many others offer are free condoms and discounted massages. Not that those go together, but hey. 

3. Involvement/Career/Any Fair. When you hear "Fair" on a college campus I want you to mentally replace it with the word "Free". Basically, places are handing out water bottles, tshirts, food just for attending. I can't tell you how many free tshirts I've accumulated at these things - they're great for sporting events or taking advantage of that free gym, hey! Which leads me to my next point…

4. Sporting Events. I'm not talking about the regular run-of-the-mill football/basketball games (which are great and I highly recommend you attend) but other sports that generate smaller crowds usually offer free admittance with student I.D. What's more, they're another breeding ground for food and tshirt giveaways! 

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