So I briefly touched on this subject in my last blog post about why movies are one of my biggest pet peeves (and money pits!). When it comes to watching movies, the theatre is not always the cheapest option. In any case, this post is going to explore money saving tips when it comes to movie nights, whether you're staying in or going out. 

Movie Night In!
So you're in for the night and it's movie watching time. Movie nights in are a great source of cheap entertainment, I personally prefer to watch movies at home rather than theaters because...
1. There's way more cuddle room
2. You can pause it to pee. 
3. Free! 
4. BYOS! (Bring Your Own Snacks) 
5. Bum out in sweatpants and not be judged.
In many ways, a frugal movie night in can be more entertaining than the movie theater alternative. I suggest theming your movie night to maximize the fun. Prime Time Lindsay Lohan Movie Marathon? Invite your girlfriends over for Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen, Mean Girls, Freaky Friday are just some of the guilty pleasures. Make it a potluck of snacks and ask everyone to bring their favorite movie candy, chip, etc. to share! Oh and don't even think about hitting Redbox or iTunes for a rental, libraries exist for a reason! Most offer a free DVD rental service for members. Most college campuses have DVD collections in their libraries for student use, take advantage of your amenities! 
Movie Theatre
Ok so that movie everyone is talking about came out and you simply can't be left out of all the box office chatter, you land yourself at the dreaded local movie theater. OK, so maybe I am a tad dramatic, you'll get used to it if you frequent this blog. Now, there are many ways to save money and still see the latest movies.
Follow these tips to get the best deal.
1. Never see movies the first week they are released. For one, ticket prices are inflated the first week movies are released, which is a big no-no for us, yes? Secondly, no matter how much hype surrounds the latest flick, wait until your less money savvy friends see it first to give you their personal review. Newspaper reviews are a good indicator as well, but waiting until your friends assess the latest blockbuster gives a better idea of what you will think of the movie, especially comedies (well, assuming your friends have the same sense of humor). Often times, movies flop the first week and you don't want to be stuck paying $10+ for a dud film. 
2. Go to a matinee or a weekday showing. Movie theaters aren't stupid. For heaven's sake they are marketing geniuses...overpriced popcorn + dry mouth = customers buying overpriced beverages as well! They know that their traffic is way higher during weekends and evenings and jack up the price. You can snag a deal by going at a showtime that is less populated. Ticket prices are slashed!
3. Flash your student I.D. Most places will not ask you if you're a student, you gotta fight for your discounts! Movie theaters, especially in college towns, are one of the biggest student discount jackpots, so don't be afraid to ask if they offer reduced rates. 
4. Opt for cheaper theaters. Usually every town has a theater that gets the movies just a few weeks later than the rest, but the ticket prices are dramatically cheaper, usually in the $2-$5 price range. If you can wait to see the movie, but still want to watch it in theaters, head to one of these alternatives. 
5. NEVER EVER BUY FOOD! God invented big purses for a reason, sneak in candy and snacks to movie theaters, duh. #1 frugal girl pet peeve is watching people overspend on movie theater food, it's a painful sight. Like I said in the last blog post, I recommend picking up the same boxed movie-style candy at the dollar store, usually for less than a dollar. 

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